COUCH CAT TV — Volume 1 (2005; DVD) [26 Minutes]
“It’s hard to say who will enjoy this video more – you or your cat!
Couch Cat TV is for cats to watch – and yes, almost all DO watch it! Your cat will watch birds and squirrels from the comfort of your living room. Younger cats often run around the TV, trying to find the birds, and older cats are content to sit and watch.
The secret of Couch Cat TV is special effects and heightened sound. Chirping birds first get the cat’s attention, and computer enhanced movements keep them intrigued. CATS LOVE IT!
Let your cat join the thousands of cats who have enjoyed hours of pleasure watching COUCH CAT TV!”
COUCH CAT TV — Volume 2 (DVD) [28 Minutes]
Couch Cat TV Volume 2.